How to Fuck a Local Slut Tonight

Using this proven method, anybody can find a local slut to fuck with ease. Just come with me, and I’ll show you how you can score some random hottie in your bed every night of the week!

Let’s face it guys; everybody wants to fuck a slut. Hot young girls want to fuck, sexy older women want to fuck, and we all know how badly WE want to fuck them.

But if we want to take advantage of this simple truth, we are going to need to put in a little more effort than creating a Tinder profile.

Come along with me, and I can show you a proven method for finding any kind of women you want using the power of the new-age ‘meet and fuck’ app. Let’s go.

Is It Really That Easy?

Yes. It’s really that easy, folks. All you need if you want to start fucking local sluts is a smartphone, a couple of dating apps, and the right attitude.

People often get discouraged from using apps like Tinder because of one or two bad experiences. Some people avoid these ‘dating’ apps for no other reason than because they’re scared of rejection.

Well, I’ve got news for those people: It’s all part of the process.

The first time Barry Bonds stepped up to the plate he probably swung right into the T-ball stand and started crying, but that didn’t discourage him from doing a bunch of steroids and getting his ass back out there to crush the homerun record.

So let’s get after this mission with some determination. It’s going to be a lot easier than you think.

Step One: Know What You Want

Jumping head-first into the wonderful world of casual sex is something everybody should try at some point, but before you do, make sure you know exactly what you’re looking for.

Some people want a friend with benefits, while others are looking for more of a ‘one and done’ situation. Both options are completely achievable with the right method, attitude, and app.

If you’re in the market for a friend with bennefits, also known as a FWB, then you need to download a couple apps that I’ve found to be very effective.

Let’s jump in and find out which ones we need to get started.

Step 2: Apps

If there’s one thing I know for sure in this world, it’s that sluts love Tinder. Hell, everyone under the age of 26 loves Tinder.

It’s an app that connects millions of horny singles every day, and it’s the #1 app for casual sex. If you’re looking to find a friend with benefits in under a few hours, you’re going to need a little more firepower than Tinder can offer you.

Downloading an app called Bumble, is going to increase your matches by at least twice as much – and it’ll save you a hell of a lot of time. The app works exactly like Tinder, but it has one key difference that makes it a little more effective for males.

When you match with a girl on Bumble, you aren’t allowed to send her a message straight away. She has to be the one who sends the first message, which is a relief for all of us guys. Nothing is more nerve-wracking than that first message.

By requiring the females to send the first message, Bumble ends up saving you a ton of time (and disappointment) that you’d normally spend sending messages to catfish, snobby girls, and inactive accounts.

When you combine the power of Tinder and Bumble, there’s no limit to the amount of casual sex you can have.

You’ll often see some of the same people on Bumble that you’ve already matched with on Tinder, which is a great way to make conversation.

Saying something like, “Funny seeing you again” can be great for increasing your odds of finding a hookup. Download them both and get ready to create those profiles!

Step 3: Post Some Pictures

Creating a desirable profile on any hookup app is a crucial step in the right direction if you want to fuck a hot slut tonight.

You don’t have to go all out and create a 5-star profile with professional pictures and a lengthy bio. In fact, that’s exactly what you DON’T wont to do.

The first thing you’re going to want to take care of is going to be your pictures. Keep in mind that pictures on a girl’s profile matter a hell of a lot more than they do on a guy’s.

I mean, there’s no shame in posting some killer photos, but if you’re trying too hard, girls will pick up on that, and you’ll end up only matching with snobby born-again-Christian girls who don’t even put out.

If you want to get laid on Tinder/Bumble, you need to upload some pictures where you appear to be the social butterfly I know you are.

Using photos from your latest rave adventure, backpacking trip, or vacation are a good idea.

Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to throw a photo of you and your dog in there too – girls fucking love dogs. Plus, It gives them something to talk about when they’re inevitably forced to send that first message.

Try to avoid taking shirtless mirror selfies like the plague. Nobody is going to want to see those unless you’re rocking a perfect 8-pack.

Even then, it’s a tell-tale sign that you’re a total douche bag, and girls are absolutely going to pick up on that.

Step 4: Creating a Bio

If you are like me, and you’re not a particularly attractive male specimen, don’t worry. Girls will look through your pictures for sure, but your bio is what’s really going to grab their attention.

Having a killer bio doesn’t mean you need to have a list of all your achievements scattered throughout a sea of emojis. After all, this is an insight to who you are as a person, not a formal resume.

Girls love a guy with a sense of humor, and it’s been that way since the dawn of time. Because while an attractive man might be appealing for a while, a great body alone won’t keep a girl entertained for long.

I mean, what makes you more attractive than having everyone hang onto your every word and laugh when you want them to laugh? Nothing, because it shows that you possess confidence, power, and a laid-back attitude.

If you want to see some major success with your profile, type out a funny bio in two sentences or less.

Maybe something along the lines of, “One time I helped an old lady cross the street, and it was probably the best Tinder date I could have asked for. Think you can do better?”

A bio like that shows off your sense of humor, and it invites a conversation more than “6’5” ever could.

Step 5: Making Conversation

Talking to girls on dating apps is probably one of the lamest experiences of all time, but it’s all part of the process, so we are going to have to power through it.

Testing the waters with a Tinder conversation is a great way to see if the girl you’re talking to is a nutcase or not.

It’s also great practice for when you inevitably have to talk to them in person.

The best thing to do is either comment on one of her pictures (no, not in a creepy way) or her bio. Cracking a joke is probably the best way to break the ice. Plus, joking around can be a solid strategy for letting her know that you’re not very serious.

If you spend the first 20 messages trying to act like you want to spend the rest of your life with her, you’re either going to scare her away or attract the wrong kind of girl. We are trying to fuck sluts, remember?

Talking about music or television shows can be a good segway into trading snapchats or phone numbers.

If you’re feeling extra confident, you can always strike right when the conversation starts getting boring.

Saying something along the line of, “I fuckin hate talking on Tinder. Would you wanna trade me snapchats?”

If she says yes, your chances of getting into her pants on the same night are looking pretty damn good.

And now it’s time to take everything we’ve learned to the next level – the meetup.

Step 6: Meeting Up

This part of the process is naturally the most nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. Just follow along with these steps, and you’ll have her hanging off your every word.

Once you’ve taken a legitimate sexual interest in one of these girls, it’s time to find out if she’s actually down. At this point, you should have asked her either for her Snapchat or phone number.

If she says yes to either of those, there’s a good chance that she’s open to the idea of a casual fuck. Keep in contact with her for a day or two before you take the plunge.

Try to mention meeting up casually at first, maybe by saying something along the lines of “I got the day off work today, and I’m so bored already. What are you up to rn?”

If she seems excited by this point, then your chances of scoring with her are looking good. It’s important not to be too confident with your questions though since freaking her out is the last thing you want to do.

Sometimes these hookup app girls will prefer to meet up at a coffee shop or something before they agree to a night at your place, as should you. As horny as us men can get for a quick fuck, it’s not worth the trouble a total nutcase can give you.

If things aren’t flowing naturally after the first meetup, then you might want to reconsider your choice of a local slut, and maybe think about choosing a different girl from your list of matches.

You should know what to do from here fells. Just do what comes naturally – if you know what I mean.

Step 7: Rinse and Repeat

Now that you have some experience picking up local girls with a hookup app or two, nothing is stopping you from repeating this process over and over again to your heart’s content.

Just keep in mind that you don’t have to follow these steps exactly for each and every girl.

The hookup process is complicated, and every girl is different, so try to feel each one out and see how you might need to change your strategy to meet her requirements.

And above all else, relax and have fun. Hookup culture is a beautiful thing that should be enjoyed thoroughly on both sides of the swipe.

Don’t forget that practice makes perfect, and determination is everything.

Good luck, everyone!